1 year ago 271
The International Conference on Justice, hosted by the Saudi Ministry of Justice (MOJ), has officially concluded in Riyadh. Over two days, the conference brought together around 4000 guests from across the field of global justice to discuss the role of technology in revolutionizing the legal sector. The conference provided a platform for international dialogue to address common challenges, strengthen global judicial practices, and deploy the latest developments in technology to make justice more transparent and accessible to all.

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, March 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Justice (MOJ) successfully concluded its inaugural International Conference on Justice (ICJ) in Riyadh. Over two days, the conference brought together 50 jurists, legal experts and decision makers from around the globe to explore how technology is transforming legal systems and making justice more transparent and accessible to all.

Saudi Minister of Justice, H.E. Walid Muhammad Al-Samaani, and Saudi Minister of Investment, H.E. Khalid Al Falih, issue the first licenses enabling foreign law firms Herbert Smith Freehills, Latham & Watkins, and Clifford Chance to practice in Saudi Arabia at the International Conference on Justice.
Saudi Minister of Justice, H.E. Walid Muhammad Al-Samaani, and Saudi Minister of Investment, H.E. Khalid Al Falih, issue the first licenses enabling foreign law firms Herbert Smith Freehills, Latham & Watkins, and Clifford Chance to practice in Saudi Arabia at the International Conference on Justice.

The Saudi Minister of Justice, H.E.Walid al-Samaani, noted, "The past two days have been a huge success, as we were able to exchange knowledge and expertise with the brightest legal minds from around the globe." He added, "Our hope is that the dialogue and cooperation fostered during this conference will go on to have a significant impact on the future development of digital justice solutions globally."

Featuring 25 speakers and 6 main sessions, the conference invited participants to engage under the theme 'Facilitating Access to Justice Through Digital Innovation'. The topics covered ranged widely, from the role of digitalization in enhancing preventative justice to the future of AI in the practice of law and the use of mass data to predict judicial outcomes.

The ICJ's final day featured three main sessions: 'Using AI to Enhance Justice', 'Data Analytics for Justice Enhancement', and 'The Future of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Light of Digital Transformation'. Participating speakers included experts in the fields of AI ethics, data analytics, digital mediation, and remote conciliation, who shared knowledge and experiences on how digitally enabled judiciaries can create more prosperous societies and ensure transparent, accessible and equitable justice for all.

Since the introduction of Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia's digitalization efforts have established the Kingdom as a global leader in digital justice. As of 2023, more than 90% of the Kingdom's judicial services are digitalized, with the Ministry of Justice's Najiz portal providing users with access to over 150 judicial e-services. Over the past year alone, the Kingdom's expanding digital services have facilitated over 2.37 million online hearings, rendered over 1.1 million judgements, and issued over 5.2 million e-powers of attorney. By hosting the conference, the Kingdom sought to provide legal stakeholders globally with an important new platform to exchange expertise on digital transformation and foster international cooperation on the digital future of legal systems.


Delegates from across the world convene in Riyadh to take part in discussions on the future of judicial systems and the application of digital technologies in justice.
Delegates from across the world convene in Riyadh to take part in discussions on the future of judicial systems and the application of digital technologies in justice.


The International Conference on Justice showcased an exhibition of the successful application of digital technologies in Saudi Arabia, delivering justice that is more transparent, accessible and equitable.
The International Conference on Justice showcased an exhibition of the successful application of digital technologies in Saudi Arabia, delivering justice that is more transparent, accessible and equitable.

