Wemade CEO Henry Chang shares inter-game economy vision at GDC 2023

1 year ago 307
Blockchain technology can add fun by connecting well-designed in-game economy with reality Economies of MIR4 and MIR M are connected to build inter-game economy and inter-game play WEMIX PLAY, where inter-game play is supported, will provide necessary tools for blockchain game developing to any developers

SAN FRANCISCO, March 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- With much of the conversation at this year's Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco focusing on the myriad of ways in which the gaming industry could evolve, Wemade CEO Henry Chang's "The Future of Gaming: Inter-game Play and Beyond" keynote proved to be a timely one. Henry spoke in detail about how innovators including game developers and studios are building the future of games by utilizing blockchain technology to create a seamless inter-game economy powered by unfettered play in-and-between games across all platforms. Other keynote highlights include:

Wemade CEO Henry Chang shares inter-game economy vision at GDC 2023
Wemade CEO Henry Chang shares inter-game economy vision at GDC 2023

What blockchain technology can do

"What blockchain technology can do is to make good games even more fun," he said, "by connecting the in-game economies of well-made games with the real-life economy via game tokens and NFTs." "Games become a lot more fun when blockchain technology is applied. NFTs and game tokens can be issued and those can be exchanged in and outside games, creating a unique game tokenomics."

The benefits of a connected inter-game economy: MIR4 and MIRM

"Anyone can make a new game utilizing MIR4's game tokens and NFTs [on the blockchain game platform WEMIX PLAY]." [Referring to the interaction between in-game economies of blockchain versions of MIR4 and MIR M] "These processes [of obtaining in-game resources, game tokens and governance tokens of the two games] will establish inter-game economy where economies of MIR M and MIR4 are connected directly and indirectly, and this, in turn, will lead to inter-game play." "[MIR4's] number of users and sales improved [after the launch of MIR M]", which "is an unprecedented phenomenon created by inter-game economy and inter-game play. A very basic and simple connection sparked a new gameplay that never existed before."

What the future inter-game economy looks like

While "all games have existed independently like islands", there will be "the massive phenomenon of multiple games being connected through blockchain technology." "Everyone enjoys games and leads economic activities, but if these are connected through blockchain technology, this giant ecosystem, which enables inter-game economy and inter-game play, can be called the metaverse."

Collaboration between Wemade and game developers

"Game developers' forte lies in creating enjoyable games." "By working together, we can seize this incredible opportunity and master the emerging gaming landscape." "At Wemade, we are committed to assisting any game developers interested in blockchain technology in creating outstanding blockchain games.


"Where Games Change"

WEMADE is a renowned industry leader in game development with over 20 years of experience as well as a pioneer for mass adoption of blockchain technology in the global gaming industry. Through more than two decades of game development and servicing experience, WEMADE genuinely understands what it takes to create good games for the global gaming community.
